We’re Ross and Claire Noel and this is our family business. Based here on our 60 acre, multigenerational family homestead in the Appalachian mountains, our mission is to recover the lost art of home herbal health care and provide this resource to our wider community. Lovingly made herbal preparations have been the tried-and-true healers of the sick for all of human history in every part of the world. No centralized entity or industry has the power to monopolize, profit from or withhold plant medicines from the people - because God owns the Earth and gives its’ bounty freely to us. All that is required is the proper knowledge, practice, skill and a smidge of courage to go against the grain of a culture in which iatrogenic (medically-induced) illness accounts for so much normalized physical suffering and death. Herbal medicine is the original medicine, made and trusted by the common people for the benefit of the common people. This is the vision and the blessing we seek to recover as we provide lovingly prepared herbal products and knowledge to those around us.